Thursday 27 August 2015

Learn How to Draw People in a Simple Way

The first thing that comes to your mind whenever you come across a good sketch of a person is if you could also be gifted with the way How to Draw People. However, the truth is that you need not be born with the talent to draw people. You can certainly learn to draw people by observing certain points and with practice.
When you start to learn how to draw you can begin with the basics lessons and after that build up gradually. Remember that, to learning how to draw, practice is the key. Never expect to be making great drawings of people right away.

There are several useful tips out there which you can utilize to help you draw realistic drawings of people. Drawing people can be segmented into small parts; you need to learn how to draw the human head, hair, ears and eyes. Each of these needs good observation and ample practice.

First you must learn to draw different kinds of shapes. If you observe a human figure closely you will find that it consists of different kinds of shapes including the oval shapes, straight lines, curves etc. if you know how to draw these shapes correctly then you will also easily learn the other drawing techniques.

Getting the right perspective is the next thing you need to focus upon. This entails learning the rules of geometry and utilizing them to portray things on paper. You will be able to draw with more realism and more visually correct by using this technique. Before you are able to master the skills for how to draw people it is important that you learn all these techniques and practice regularly.

First, drawing the large overall shape of the head is the tried-and-true classical approach to drawing people. The common shape of the head is more rectilinear than it is an oval. Begin with a few sketched circles; it doesn't have to be perfect. Even though a basic circle will provide decent framework you will be leading the facial features at the lower part of the front.

Next, you can start drawing the neck. Also draw lines for shoulder. After drawing the neck and shoulder you can start drawing the chest. There you need to draw the arms as well. Don’t think about the positioning of the arms. You can draw straight arms. As you improve with your drawing you can draw various arm positions afterwards. Then, you need to draw the rest of the body along with legs and feet. However, you need to maintain the proportions right.

You can join an online painting course if you wish to learn How to Draw People in an easy way. There are a lot of excellent online painting courses you can get for a reasonable cost on the internet where expert drawing instructors will provide you with the instructions. Here you can learn drawing in the step by step process at you own convenient time and at the comfort of your home. 

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